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One. Less. Thing.

Get your cast and crew paid and all the admin taken care of in one place.

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The better way is Castaway

You have enough on your plate without having to deal with the time consuming and perplexing processes of paying and managing cast and crew. Outsource it to Castaway and we’ll do it all. Deal memos. Contracts. Personal data gathering. TFNs. Child Welfare Licensing. Sign in/Sign out docs. Tax. Superannuation. We do it all.

Engaging Castaway gives you back precious time so you can do what you do best. Helping create great work.

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See everything live

For the first time ever, you can access live project documents that show you real-time status and cost reporting for cast, crew, freelancers … anyone whose payments you have outsourced to us. This is an absolute game-changer for anyone who loves instant information at their fingertips.

New technology solving old production problems

Castaway offers a simple to use cloud-based platform that efficiently manages and stores all your project cast and crew administration.

It is seamless, integrated and intuitively designed to make your life simpler. All those moving parts involved in the cast process are digitised and secured. With your own client login access, you can have complete visibility over every project and every contracted performer and crew member.

Our system boasts full automation technology, including automatic reminders and scheduling of rollover payments. Just set and forget.

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Simplify your work life right now

Imagine never having to worry about paying and managing cast and crew again. Make today your Castaway day.